Confusing Words July 28, 2019 What is the difference between a TV series and a serial? Our English Club What is the difference between a TV series and a serial? Is one merely a subset of the other? Perhaps the difference is largely semantic. Or... read more
Confusing Words July 26, 2019 🚨 Commonly Confused Words 🚨 - Read, Practise, Revise! Our English Club ➡ 1. Confusing Words p1 - This worksheet contains 40 exercises to practice confusing words. - Homophones, verbs vs. adjectives, verbs vs. n... read more
Confusing Words July 25, 2019 Peculiar Vocabulary - ENORMITY Our English Club It seems simple enough, isn't? ‘Enormity’ is so close to ‘enormous’ that they must be synonyms. Right? Wrong! 😳 Enormity means - extrem... read more
Confusing Words July 19, 2019 📞 CALL vs CALL TO Our English Club ⛔ I called to my friend yesterday on the phone. (wrong) ⛔ I called to the police (wrong) Those are common mistakes. We almost never use TO... read more
Confusing Words July 13, 2019 🇬🇧 THINK OF vs THINK ABOUT 🇬🇧 Our English Club ➡ Think OF = bear in mind/take into account/think quickly/consider (usually works as a stative verb = can't be continuous) - Think of ... read more
Confusing Words July 12, 2019 ✍🏻 COMMON MISTAKE: ON TIME or IN TIME? Our English Club ● On time = punctual ⏰ - Class starts at 2.30am. Please be on time (punctual) because I like to start "on the dot" (=exactly at 2.... read more
Confusing Words July 12, 2019 DIFFERENT USES OF THE WORD - YET Our English Club Some of my students asked about the various uses of this word. So here we go then ladies and gentlemen 😎 🤘🏻 YET - Non-affirmative word ... read more
Confusing Words July 12, 2019 KEEP AT BAY and HOLD AT BAY Our English Club KEEP AT BAY and HOLD AT BAY are two renditions of an idiom that has been in use since the mid-1700s. "The government hopes to keep infl... read more
Confusing Words July 11, 2019 Fall or fall down? Our English Club We can use fall as a noun or a verb. It means: 1. suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground unintentionally or accidentally 2.... read more
Confusing Words July 08, 2019 TRICKY VOCABULARY - EMBARRASSED & Necessary Our English Club Along with pronunciation and grammar, one of the biggest challenges for English language learners is vocabulary. ☝🏻 You may not struggle wi... read more